The Four Quadrants

The Four Quadrants

Sunday, August 9, 2009

Can you become God in one breath?
Without some kind of feedback there is no consciousness
From infancy or early childhood, we learn that to keep our life we have to do anti-life things. Then we introject anti-life views as correct.
Real intelligence includes both the hyper-obvious and the incredibly obscure. It does not take the "given" as given.
Many people who exude great and impressive intelligence on the surface have this intelligence built on a deeper primitive layer of irrationality and pre-rationality.
Knowledge without intelligence is meaningless.
Intelligence without consciousness is meaningless.
Consciousness without emptiness is meaningless
Emptiness transcends both meaning and meaninglessness.

Saturday, August 8, 2009

Most people live on the tip of the tip of the iceberg
Question absolutely everything. Almost everything is not what you think it is if you really look at it and let it reveal itself. Rest in that which is real and unknowable.
Establishment scientists sometime behave as cult members blindly following multitudes of unconscious, unseen and unacknowledged assumptions about the world.
There is absolutely no reason whatsoever to assume that the universe should be a certain way. (intelligent, stupid, neutral etc) (or assume anything else about the universe.)
I am more interested in ego birth than in ego death.
The who live in facades value facades.
Those who live in shoulds value shoulds.
Those who live in fear value fear.
Those who live in morals value morals.
Those who live in the now value the now.
What can I really see?
What can I really see through?
Who we are is what ultimately supports us
Consciousness is the cloud chamber of the soul
The more a person relies on a mindless, undifferentiated "we" to think, the more primitive the thinking, no matter how sophisticated it sounds. This is different than creating a high level transpersonal "we" that transcends the intelligences of the of the individual members
The extent that someone makes necessary and important contributions and assumes responsibility, to that extent someone should also own. Those who "own" should acknowledge the true ethical ownership of their contributors. Ownership is just a common agreement of who controls and uses what objects.
Conservatives tend to be fine with "mine" or "yours" but have a heard time with "ours" when it includes people who aren't like them
Professions have moved away from trust in judgment and rule of law, to bureaucratization and regulative micromanagement. Control freaks tend to win out. This stifles creativity and necessary risk.
We live in a society that has much good yet in many respects seems bent on wasting peoples time and peoples lives. We need to be able to honestly see what is sick, illogical, and exploitative. We have such a paranoid distrust of our own vital energy. This distrust often hides in our own sugarcoating of, and mythology about it.
One level of being can complement but cannot do the work of another level. Disharmony begins when one part or level of the mind tries to take over the work of another.
That which cannot be made an object is embedded within all objects, outside of time and space