The Four Quadrants

The Four Quadrants

Monday, July 20, 2009

Each psychological and emotional "squelch-line" level creates its own world view.
The subtle and blatant messages from our parents later on become our unconscious core beliefs.

Sunday, July 19, 2009

Neurosis is caused by buying into psychosis on some level either internal or external .
The actual organism goes beyond the body to include the surroundings and the corresponding energy fields, both local and non-local. This "entity" extend even further to include other organism-environmental fields which eventually includes the "all-everything" as the one manifested organism. No organism is separate from this; it ultimately is this. Therefore let the organism self-regulate you.
If you see something is full of poison you don't drink from it. (adapted from Alan Hooker)
It is a major human flaw to often interpret things as punitive, as well as to miss subtle things that actually were meant as punitive.
Most people take a very small sampling of the ideas that are actually out there, filter them according to their previous accumulated and filtered small samplings and think they have a good picture of what the world is (or of what part of the world is).
The best way to travel anywhere is to bring all of yourself with you.

Saturday, July 18, 2009

Our society in large part is run by the "tyranny of the given".

(The "given" being anything that arises in a person's consciousness (or in a group of person's consciousness) as an obvious given fact, not needing questioning.)
What most people really feel when they say the word "responsible" is not "response-able" but "counter-irresponsible" which is a reaction against their own disowned irresponsibility.
One of the best ways to gauge intelligence is to look at the ability to gauge intelligence
Some people are so busy trying to quell or get rid of ego they don't even bother to explore it directly and find out what it is, and to get to know it

Friday, July 17, 2009

Most people live their lives based on what others have thought through for them.
All legal systems are based on human irrationality dealing with human irrationality.

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Rationality is, in part, a by-product of vital life energy flowing outwardly into the world in a healthy manor.
Human individual consciousness includes at least 60 screens (each with its own audience). We get hypnotized into believing that one screen is giving use the whole picture and that the person watching continues through time. The largest space is created when the "watcher" dies in the next moment.
"Anything new and vastly important that has be strongly proven would be on the cover of Time Magazine or the like" is one of the biggest rationalizations of all time.
Small truths are often inflated into big lies. (adapted from someone else)

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

A conscious businessman caters to peoples higher tastes instead of to their addictive appetites. Continually catering to additive appetites to satisfy money appetites is what is happening predominately in our society and may eventually destroy it. Saying this should or should not be, most often, is a way of avoiding fully seeing and facing the fact of what is.
The highest form of communication is deliberately spontaneous.
I believe the "purpose" of life is to put one's vital life energy into the world.
There are three basic kinds of thinking:

1) When memes, mentalities and conditioning do your thinking for you. (giving the illusion that you are thinking you own thoughts)

2)You are doing your own thinking (and the thinker is the thought)

3)Thoughts are "downloaded", created, formed and blossomed in and from a higher space. (perhaps a higher gauge-symmetry space)

At least 70% of people do predominantly the first kind of thinking.
Beliefs tend to be self-correcting when you fully bring them out into the world

Sunday, July 12, 2009

we are taught not to think what we are really thinking
we are taught not to feel what we are really feeling
we are taught not to do what we are really doing
we are taught not to be what we are really being
we are taught not to suffer what we are really suffering
we are taught not to imagine what we are really imagining
we are taught not to want what we really want
we are taught not to need what we really need
we are taught not to value what we really value
we are taught to continue what really discontinues
we are taught to not have a self when we are really "selfing"
we are taught to have a self when there is really no self.
we are taught not to "no-mind" when we are really empty

we never ride the horse in the direction its going

This causes much death, fragmentation and unhealthy suffering
The attempt to be non-violent can be one of the most violent acts you can commit.

Sunday, July 5, 2009

You will experience only the change in the self and the world that happens on the level you live on. If you live on the surface level, then a mere surface change will be experienced as extensive and life changing.
You honor me by being exactly the way you are
Every person sees their own straw man when they see you.
Get to know these straw men and understand them.
We mistaken the clouds for the sky.
We mistaken the sky for outer space.
We mistaken outer space for the universe.
We mistaken the universe for the omniverse.
We mistaken the omniverse for what lies beyond.
We don't see that all of these things are but harmonics of what ultimately lies beyond.
Most people only see the clouds of their own making.
"Lack of proof" can often mean: lack of proper inquiry, lack of research, or the existence of much proper but nonsupporting research. When a "pseudo skeptic" uses the phrase it usually means lack of proper inquiry on the part of the skeptic.

Thursday, July 2, 2009

Content follows mentality
Homeostasis comes to balance us between comfort and discomfort, between contentment and discontentment, between pleasure and pain, between security and risk, between caring and indifference.
Just because your a scientist doesn't mean you're rational.